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Akseki IP Addresses

City (State, Country)
IP Range

What is a Akseki IP address?

The assignment of IP addresses is managed by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Regional Internet Registries are responsible for specific regions of the World. They allocate IP address blocks to Internet Service providers from Turkey.

A Akseki IP address is assigned to an ISP or hosting provider that provides Internet services in Antalya, Turkey. Further, ISPs and hosting services allocate IP addresses to their subscribers, private persons or companies.

The most common Akseki IPs blocks have the following format:

How to get a Akseki IP address

You may change your public IP address by using a proxy, a VPN service or TOR. Check the Hide IP page for recommended services with servers in Turkey.

Akseki IP addresses blocks/ranges

You may find above samples of IP addresses blocks allocated for Akseki, Antalya, Turkey. The information is extracted from the IP2Location LITE database available from At this time, only IPv4 addresses are listed (no IPv6 addresses).